Getch'or VyOS heaaar!!!
   2 min read

Like many other Free and Open Source Software projects, Vyos decided that it was going to continue to be free as in freedom but would stop being for free.
To convince enterprise users to pay up and contribute to the project with monies, they decided that binaries compiled and distributed for installation as an ISO image would only be available to the public in unstable versions, meaning, nightly builds. The last pre-compiled stable version available is 1.1-8, and the most recent version may be in several states of stability, depending on where it is along the release process at that precise moment.
This has become more and more usual, most notably (and polemically) when CentOS went from being downstream from RHEL (stable) to upstream, having become the testing version of RHEL’s next point-upgrade.

Want freebies? At least pay in bug reporting…

However, in the next few days there will be a golden opportunity to get a very stable version of Vyos because 1.3 (equuleus) is in Release Preview (at the moment only the first, 1.3-epa1).
There may be more Previews down the line, but the differences are expected to be minimal.
Fortunately, the original VYOS license demands free access to the source-code, and the project provides instructions, which seem fairly easy, to compile the stable LTS version directly from the source-code repository.
Watch this space…

For (at least) the last 18 months the keyboard layout configuration has been broken.
Nothing works: locale set-keymap, dpkg-reconfigure console-data, dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration. Doesn’t show errors, but isn’t respected, and the layout is always ANSI en-US.
The “fix”, if you could call it that, is to set up an interface’s IP address, turn the SSH service on and open an SSH session from a client with the correct keyboard layout installed.
FOSS: always dying from paper cuts.

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