   2 min read

Nutritional facts

Don’t expect this site to have the usual content; I’ll hardly write the n-th article about installing Postfix or Arch Linux, configure a NextCloud instance or a VPN: not interesting, already done, adds no value. I’ll only do these kinds of thing if I stumble on HOWTOs so bad that’ll make me wonder if I’d do it a lot better.
Right now I’m interested in exploring the MUSL world, Some very specific Linux distros, and the S6 init; I shouldn’t be shocked by the current state of the documentation and development of these systems, compared to the 50,000 articles on how to install Ubuntu (ballpark figures), but I am.
I’ll look into Guix/NixOS, even if I think that’ll bring me closer to containers, which leave me ill-at-ease.
I’ll keep doing what I can do with a desktop system without cloud resources, and a Network/Systems community course without a smidge of cloud curriculum, which is those obsolete things like virtualization and on-premises; I really want to learn how to create resilient systems (both storage and compute), but High-Availability is usually the cudgel used to convince companies that otherwise would be happy with the Community versions to pay up…


I’m attracted to third systems, who look at existing solutions, recognize flaws that those inside do not see, and propose an alternative; usually they fail, because who’s invested in the early systems only much later, if ever, realizes the same thing, and several years later makes a pale imitation of the potential of the third system, while the network effect in IT leads to there being ever one dominant system and an alternative, with no space for third systems.
I prefer organization to chaos, the safe step to the jump into the void; I’m not an entrepreneur and I’ll never get rich.
On the contrary, I have had to lick my wounds several times…


As mentioned before, I’m currently doing another job outside IT, so my time is limited. Also limited are my resources, so I can’t go on a spree of courses and certifications, and I’ll resort as much as possible to free options, which means I’ll most likely not have content about the big names. But I hope that what I learn with the small fish lights the path for the big ones…

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